希臘五年公債 CDS spread 走勢圖:
5/12/2010 是希臘十年期債券殖利率最後一次在 7.00% 以下的日子。他們是在 5/2/2010 得到歐洲國家和 IMF 的 bailout,因此公債殖利率和 CDS spread 稍微回檔一些,不過他們並沒有辦法做出實質的改革,因此市場完全表達出大家不信任這個國家可以把情勢扭轉過來。昨天義大利情勢惡化的非常迅速,也從而導致希臘的 CDS spread 再度往上跳。現在已經是 6,027.875 bps,比昨天高了將近 10%。
義大利五年公債 CDS spread 走勢圖:
公債殖利率反應實質利率、通貨膨脹率、利率風險,以及違約風險、流動性等其他因素。目前違約風險扮演最主要的角色,不過由於 EU, ECB, IMF 等會介入市場直接購買債券,使得債券殖利率反應違約風險不如 CDS 直接。CDS 是 over-the-counter 交易,而且專注在違約風險上,比較能夠掌握市場上面對違約風險的評價。義大利的公債殖利率從昨晚到今天早上(台北時間)沒有什麼變化,不過 CDS spread 又往上跳了 50 bps 左右。
由於之前我把這個 blog 介紹給大學部的學生,所以在這裡多做一點說明。bps 是 basis points,1 basis point 是 0.01%。通常在債券市場我們用 bps 做單位,比較方便掌握殖利率或利率在小數點之下比較多位數的變化。credit default swap (CDS) 是一個相對來講比較新的衍生性金融商品,它的設計觀念跟保險有些類似,一個債券的 CDS 買方就像是買保險的人,每一期 (通常是每季) 固定繳保費,如果債券到期沒有違約,就算是繳保費買心安。如果在到期前違約,CDS 的賣方就要賠償損失,原始的設計是買方把違約了的債券給賣方,然後賣方必須要用債券的面額給付給 CDS 的買方。但是由於許多 CDS 的買方其實手頭上並沒有債券,所以雙方在一開始的時候就要針對這一方面先談好,大概會是用當時市場上面的債券市價和面額之間的差價來計算理賠金。以義大利的五年期公債為例,現在 CDS spread 是 570.381 bps,也就是大約 5.704%。如果買面額 $10 million 的債券的 CDS,每一年要付出 $570,381 的 premium。 希臘現在的 CDS spread 已經高達 60% 以上,要為面額 $10 million 的債券保險需要每年付 $6 million,這個債券已經跟倒掉差不了多少了。
由於希臘差不多是在公債殖利率破 7% 的時候要求救援,所以昨天義大利的公債殖利率衝破同樣的 7% 時攪動了市場不安的情緒。我把這幾個圖放在一起並不是說義大利一定會順著希臘的路來走。義大利不管在產業還是制度上都比希臘要好一些,希臘幾乎沒可能把自己的洞堵上,但是義大利還有一些機會。話又說回來,如果希臘先違約,市場上對風險的承受能力會更脆弱,義大利如果無法穩定住情勢,他們的公債殖利率和 CDS spread 往上飆升的速度很可能比希臘過去這幾年更快。希臘撐住不倒本來還有一些穩定金融市場,做義大利和西班牙的防火牆的用途,同時也可以為歐洲的銀行買一些時間。現在義大利也開始有危險,該是時候考慮還要不要幫希臘了。
當面臨這種等級的危機時,政府必須要當下立斷到底救還是不救。我沒有足夠的資訊來判斷到底這些歐洲國家能拿出多少錢出來。不過以先前他們還得跑去中國求援,我的猜測是資源恐怕很窘迫。如果每一塊錢都算數,最好是把資源集中在義大利上面。希臘倒了之後說不定因為有錢人資金外逃還可以充實其他歐洲國家及美國銀行的資金。希臘國內現在因為 austerity plan 導致受薪階級(翻譯:逃不了稅的階級)已經快要撐不下去了,違約之後反而可以喘口氣,重新建立制度。短期內很痛是一定的,這不只是債權人拿不回來本金和利息這麼簡單。希臘政府將無法從國際市場籌資,預算赤字使得他們會發不出所有應付的年金和薪水,政府部門必須進行更進一步的裁員和退休計畫的刪減。在 Michael Lewis 的 Boomerang 這本書中提到一個加州的 Vallejo 市政府裁員裁到市政府只剩下市長和一個秘書,連消防隊都要裁掉一半的救火員就是最好的寫照。不過跟現在的情況相比,大概更痛也痛不了太多。真的要救義大利的話,ECB 和各國的財政部必須密切合作,一出手就要拿出一個天文數字計畫把市場安定下來。一次拿一點錢出來無法穩定市場,反而到最後還是要眼睜睜的看著義大利違約,然後前面投入的資金都算丟進水裡去。
簡單的說,歐洲必須要有提出幾乎跟美國的 TARP 和 QE 計畫加在一起的力道和決心。
這是在他們要救義大利的前提之下的建議。由於義大利的經濟規模實在太大,我的猜測是歐洲各國會把義大利認定為 "too big to fail",而在義大利遇到危機的當下把希臘放在一邊。不過我並不是主張義大利非救不可,我並沒有足夠的資訊支持或否定這種做法。在美國前任財政部長 Hank Paulson 提出 TARP 時,美國的經濟學界有很多人反對這個主張。之前曾經提過 Eugene Fama 甚至說過應該要讓該倒的銀行倒掉。有趣的是他的女婿兼同事發動這個連署,我倒沒看到 Fama 的名字在上面。假如評估之下是最後救不起來,還不如把錢省下來用在其他地方。現在歐洲政客面臨的問題簡單來說是:
1. 決定到底要救誰,不救誰。
2. 如果決定要救某些國家,即使修改先前為建立歐元區所設定的規則,也要一次讓資金到位。這部份的政治問題必須要迅速解決。
其實台灣也有類似的問題,我們的記憶體產業是我們的希臘,面板業就算是義大利吧(在規模比例上不太符合就是了)。我們的政府單位多頭馬車的情況比起歐洲各國來也好不到哪裡去,而且政治人物對於情況的認識和承擔大概也不比歐洲政客好。雖然總統大選將屆,現在仍然是時候將財政部、金管會、中央銀行和中央存保公司湊在一起,仔細評估這些產業如果失敗對於金融業會造成什麼樣的影響,及早建立防火牆,以及作好在最壞的情況下讓某些銀行倒閉或國有化的程序的準備。接下來經濟部和勞委會都會受到影響,不過如果一開始就以行政院院會的規模來作,廚子太多恐怕連湯都煮不出來,更別提好湯壞湯了。由於我們的金融業管制太嚴格,很多產品不能碰,彼此之間互相的影響沒有歐洲和美國那麼嚴重,處理起來難度比起 2008 年時的美國和現在的歐洲應該要低很多。
hi 是swap 不是spread
Thanks for spotting that typo. Sometimes I really feel I need an editor.
no worries, nice blog! :)
Hi CC,
Would you mind recommending books/textbooks on how banks operate? I read Prof. Mishkin's textbook but it barely touches it. I am interested in detailed description on banking operations, such as how they prepare for loss provision, how they package a loan portfolio and sell it to others...etc.
Thanks as always.
I don't think the detailed descriptions of banking operation to the point you want could go to a textbook.
Textbooks are all about principles and theories because those details vary from firm to firm.
Securitization is not my specialty. You can look up Amazon.com to see which ones got better reviews and sold more copies up to date. A simple look up gives me this one, which looks promising:
Tavakoli (2008) Structured Finance and Collateralized Debt Obligations: New Developments in Cash and Synthetic Securitization (Wiley Finance)
Unless this is something you need to learn, I suggest not to spend too much time on it. The experience in 2008 left such a bad tastes in people's mouths. The market for securitization will remain on simple and secure products for the foreseeable future, which means no hefty profits in it.
Well, I intend to learn how to analyze bank stocks. I realize banks are an important part of the modern financial system. And we all know every 5 or 10 years banks blow up and companies suffer. Hence an understanding of banking is quite crucial.
Thus I want to see if there is any guidance on bank evaluation. For example, how to analyze the quality of bad performing loans, see if a bank is too conservative/aggressive with its loss provision, the riskiness of the loans it issued, or how the average life of the liability progress...etc.
I guess analysts' report, industry journal, banks' 10Ks should be a good source to start.
Ok, I see where you are going.
Banks indeed blow up every now and then as you mentioned. In Paulson's memoir he even said it is due for a disaster in the banking industry when he took the Secretary of Treasury job in 2006.
That being said, the sources of those disasters are usually different. Also according to Paulson, there are some commonalities:
1. Excess leverage.
2. On top of high leverage, there's usually over-usage of short-term credits to fund long-term investments.
The former Citigroup CEO Chuck Prince put it this way, "As long as the music is playing, you've got to get up and dance.'
We've seen excessive risk taking in 2006 and 2007. It was so apparent that even I can read it from many sources in Taiwan, many many miles away from the Wall Street. We can always see the sign, but not exactly when it will happen nor how serious it is.
If a systemic risk is about to happen in the banking industry, there must be some universal signs all over the place. It is so because the competitive nature of this industry. When times are good you make big bucks by taking extra risks than your competitors, which in turn drives them and you to take more risks. The process goes on and on until everybody blows up.
It's not easy to spot CDOs from banks' books because they are usually off the balance sheet. You can only read them in balance sheet footnotes or dig deep into bond indentures, which are not easy to do. I suspect the next crisis will happen in the similar fashion.
My guess is we should put more efforts on the fastest growing sections. Those who make the most money are more likely to attract too much resources than they can handle.
Words are cheap and easy. Everyone can say what I just said. It's quite another thing to do the deed.
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