New York Times, 9/8/2012, "New Rules" by Thomas L. Friedman
Thomas L. Friedman 是暢銷書作者,這篇專欄文章可能不需要多久就會有中文翻譯出來,甚至有可能是在台灣的主流媒體上面。
我並不特別喜歡他的 New York Times 專欄,平常也沒有看他的文章的習慣。不過在開學前把這篇文章拿出來分享倒是挺合適的。
簡單的說,他認為要成為中產階級的條件改變了,在 Clinton 時代大家只需要 "work hard and play by the rules",作為一個美國人就可以完成所謂的美國夢。不過現在已經不是那個時代了。在現在這個時代裡,資訊並不只來自學校,甚至大多數的知識並不需要透過學校來傳遞。Internet 改變的不只是資訊流通、傳遞的方式,也改變了人的學習模式。
這篇文章的第一段提到 Estonia 開始培養 7-16 的學童學習程式寫作,Friedman 在寫這篇文章的時候正在上海訪問,他問『中國人是否要開始教學齡前的學童電腦程式寫作?』
Pascal,我不會說這些課完全沒有用,可是當年學的指令在現在已經幫助不大。我根本不用這兩種程式語言了,而且當初學的也不夠深入。唯一到現在對我還有一點影響的只有演算法,以及如何思考適當的演算法的方式。這是我個人的經驗,不過想來有類似問題的學門應該所在多有。真正有價值的不是我們當下所學到的知識,而是我們學習那些知識的過程。有了這一個 "know how"
台灣的家長常有自己的子女可能『輸在起跑線』上的憂慮,不過比賽早在廿、卅年前就從短跑變成馬拉松了。在未來的世界裡,貧富差距並不會因為政客注意到了而會縮小,因為生產力的差距也在逐漸擴大。如何維持學習的習慣,除了在學校裡,離開學校後也持續的 "reinvent" 自己,是維持自己的收入及社會地位很重要的一環。
CC, another excellent post. Your students are very fortunate to have a teacher like you.
I saw an interview with Bill Gates about a year ago, and the conversation went something like this:
Interviewer: Mr. Gates, why are you spending so much of your own money to encourage kids to go to college when yourself dropped out of Harvard and subsequently became the richest man in the world?
Gates: I was able to learn on my own, but for most people, they need a structured environment to foster their learning habits.
Having worked with Microsoft and the Gates Foundation, I thought this exchange was quite telling. Gates has always prized raw intelligence more than anything else. He was once quoted saying, "Hiring smart people has been the single most important thing we’ve done as a company from the very beginning."
And how does Gates define intelligence? I believe that, more than IQ, SAT, and GPA, Gates looks for people who can learn on their own and never stop learning.
CC, have a great semester and great learning to all your students.
As a student majoring in EE, I can't agree with you more. :p
It seems there are quite a few EE graduates floating around here.
Ben, thanks for your kind words. I just hope my students can get this message. Some people in the U.S. know they have to reinvent themselves constantly long ago, more people have to follow suit in the future. I believe higher proportion of workers in Taiwan tend to leave their school days behind them. That's a pity.
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