Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This is What Price Control Brings You

New York Times, 4/21/2012, "Venezuela Faces Shortages in Grocery Staples", by WILLIAM NEUMAN

這篇文章談  Venezuela 因物價上漲所以政府管制物價,因而造成了商店缺貨,民眾大排長龍的景象。


經濟日報, 4/7/2012, "主計處:今年物價成長 可控制2%內", 記者陳美君報導



經濟日報,4/26/2012,"央行副總裁:抑制物價 應採降稅手段",記者陳美君台北報導


我們回到最前面引的那篇談 Venezuela 的 New York Times 文章。他們的總統 Chavez 一向以他的左派政策為傲,認為他的政策是為了照顧貧苦的中下階層人民。不過市場並不是他一廂情願就能控制的,當政府用盡各種手段壓制物價,後果就是生產者發現無利可圖,以致於減產甚至停產。

最近這幾年每當 Apple 推出新一代的 iPad 或 iPhone 時都會有很多人在門口排隊等著買,這是因為需求大於供給。當市場均衡物價較先前為高時,設定低於均衡價格的公訂物價本來就會造成需求高於供給,而當公訂物價低到連生產者都不願參與後,需求和供給之間的缺口只會更大。



楊大寶 said...

對一些國內高科技代工公司聯合競爭對手搞的一些價格操控、 聯合哄抬等傷害消費者的行為怎麼就不見政府嚴密監控, 真是奇怪哉也。

Unknown said...

so you are implying the central bank should let TWD appreciate to increase the buying power of import? once the import cost is down, then it'll offset the up-rising prices?

CCLu said...

To 楊大寶,


CCLu said...

To Unknown,

I don't know what I said would give you that impression. Appreciation is usually not a viable approach to tame inflation. In fact, it is better not to use exchange rate as a tool of monetary policy.

When the inflation hikes, the central bank can dial up the interest rate a few notches. It doesn't need to be much this time because they might induce a new round of slow down or even recession easily.

Realist said...


最近聯進來您的BLOG,我電腦的防毒 (卡巴斯基)都會說偵測到木馬程式。不知是否是軟體太敏感了還是啥問題。sorry,因為沒有您的email,所以只好po留言告知,如有打擾請見諒。

CCLu said...

To Realist,

我沒有加什麼 script 在這個頁面裡,理論上應該不會有木馬才對。

Kaspersky 在 2008 年曾經把所有的 blogspot.com 網站都當成是 phishing 網站了,不知道這次是不是類似的問題。你如果上其他的 Google Blogger 網站如果也有問題的話那確定是 Kaspersky 的錯。如果只有我這裡出問題的話,那就很難說了。


Ben said...

On behalf of the Federal Reserve(a totally unauthorized and unofficial representation), I apologize for exporting our inflation to Taiwan and other developing export-driven countries. Please export it right back to us.


CCLu, I think you are referring to the AUO pricing fixing case here. I don't have all the details, but it is my belief that AUO didn't receive the best legal advice possible. AUO's guilt is not in question, but AUO should have settled with DOJ.

楊大寶 said...

Actually it's more than just AUO. You have boys doing display such as AUO(2409), CPT(2475), Hannstar(6116), Chimei Innolux(3481), and boys doing auto lamps such as Depo(6605) and TYC(1522). The tickers are provided so you know what's on my un-watchlist of stocks.

For some reasons, some companies like to portray themselves as victims, as innocent businessmen that didn't know what they did were wrong. I guess that leaves you an impression of "AUO didn't receive the best legal advice possible".

However, I guess the case is more like they know what they were doing in the first place, and when they talk to the media, they under emphasize their criminal acts.

For example, take a look in this article: http://goo.gl/MGNq1


And also in this article (http://goo.gl/LzQ0Z), former CEO of Chimei Innolux said:


Well I guess companies really do secretly meet over 200 times just to say hi and shake hands.

Also, when asked to cooperate with the authority, Chimei Innolux chose a clumsy strategy to try to get away with the law, which of course yields no help:


It's just a complete display of ignorance, stupidity and disregard to the law.

It is a human tendency to skip over our faults and talk about how we were unfairly treated. However, even if they were ignorant of what they were doing, they still hurt their customer, clients, retailers, and shareholders. How they are able to generate sympathy from media and general public is beyond belief.

CCLu said...

To Ben,

Please see 楊大寶's comment, I couldn't have said better.

AUO and others may not be well-represented, but that is probably their own fault. They simply had no idea of where the line is and they didn't or refuse to believe the severity of their crime.

I can't even say I felt sorry for them.

Ben said...

CCLu and 楊大寶,

Oh, I think you guys misunderstood me. I am not defending AUO at all. On the contrary, I think the management compounded their own woes by not getting the best lawyers that money could buy. A competent law firm, IMHO, would have never let the case gone to trial. I apologize that my writing was not clear on this point.

I am not a lawyer, and I don't even play one on TV. But the U.S. price-fixing laws are notoriously complex, and no lay person should pretend that he/she has a good grasp of the laws without having his/her anti-trust lawyer(s) present. Ignorantia juris non excusat!!!

And many thanks for all the background info on the price-fixing issue from a Taiwanese point of view. I learned something new today. I guess AUO's management never watched the movie, The Informant:)

One final thought, a very wise man once told me - if the U.S. government ever came knocking on your door, your first phone call should never be to your loved ones, but to your lawyers and/or lobbyists.....