WSJ, 1/9/2012, "An Exit Strategy From the Euro", by Robert Barro
背景介紹就省了,我們都知道歐洲的情況有多糟。最近這一期的 The Economist 裡面有一篇文章 "Crazy aunt on the loose" 談到各國的中央銀行,裡面才提及 ECB 雖然沒有用 QE 這樣的字眼,但是他們最近這幾個月所作的事情事實上就是 QE。ECB 和 Fed 有相反的政策限制,Fed 可以動手買 T-Bill,但是他們不方便直接購買銀行資產(不管是股份或是債券),只有在作為 lender of the last resort 的情況下才能出手。而 ECB 剛好相反,他們不能夠直接購買政府公債,因為這會違背歐盟的條約不得直接金援會員國的限制,但是他們可以用購買銀行債券的方式直接注入資金。不管採用的是哪一條路,他們都丟了很多錢到市場上,這是 The Economist 那篇文章用 "carzy aunt" 做標題的緣故。Alan Blinder 在 AEA 年會上做了這個比喻。
Barro 的建議是由德國先建立一個跟歐元 1:1 聯繫匯率的新德國馬克,並且保證未來兩年之內的債券或其他合約在這兩種貨幣之間的轉換。然後其他歐洲國家逐漸加入,用這個方式把歐元給取消掉。
如果真的要把歐元取消,大概要走的路是這樣子,不過在目前這個時間點大概不是提這個主意的好時候。只要德國一開始動作,全世界都知道歐元的下場是解體,這個 "end game" 是從一開始就非常清楚的。如果德國人要這樣做,又不想讓整個歐洲陷入混亂,那麼他們就必須要透過外交途徑先把歐元的前途談妥,不能由德國做自己想做的事情。
對於現在深陷困境的國家,如希臘、愛爾蘭等,他們目前沒有脫離歐元的主要原因就是不敢面對整個國內金融系統的崩潰。而歐元區則是怕這些國家的銀行崩潰的太嚴重,導致整個歐元區其他國家的銀行也遭到波及。如果照 Barro 這個設計,等到德國和法國離開歐元之後,不管剩下來的國家打算怎麼做,他們都沒有辦法撐下去。現在 ECB 在努力避免的情況將會迅速的發生。
Barro 所提出的操作方式雖然是合理的方法,但是炸掉的國家搞不好會更多。搭配早先 John Cochrane 的建議來看,我還是比較傾向於 Cochrane 的見解,歐元這事可以稍後景氣好轉之後再談,現在先讓幾個無底洞違約重新來過,大概是現階段比較務實的做法。
External Debt
財政部在這裡有一些資訊沒有解釋清楚造成了誤解。所謂的『外債』,可以解釋為外國人持有的本國債務,或者如 Kenneth Rogoff 在 This Time Is Different 書中定義的:
a loan issued under another country's jurisdiction, typically (but not always) denominated in a foreign currency, and typically held mostly by foreign creditors. (chapter 1)
在目前的國際市場上,由於交易成本大幅降低,所以 external debt 和 internal debt 最大的差別在於前者沒有辦法用通貨膨脹的方式削減其價值(如果使用的貨幣是外幣的話),而 internal debt 可以靠通貨膨脹讓它的實質價值大幅度縮水。外債違約的情況很多,而且大多數情況下違約的原因是欠錢的國家想不想還,不是他們有沒有能力還。『內債』違約不如外債常見,但是也不如一般人想像的罕有。持有者的身分並不適合拿來區分這兩種債券,因為現在有許多政府公債是被外國中央銀行所持有。在一百年前,如果外債違約,下場可能是債主開著重砲巨艦過來把值錢的公有物收走,並且接管海關之類的機關來代替主權國家收稅。希臘的海關就被英國人接管過。現在這年頭不能這樣做了,一方面這種侵犯主權的行為會被國際社會阻止,就算是美國也要用其他理由來出兵,不能用某某國家欠錢不還做理由就開打了;另一方面現在債主通常也不是單一國家,真的要打也要組織聯軍,光是大家怎麼分攤軍費和收益就談不太攏了。人類歷史演進還是在進步中的。目前歐洲的情況很有趣,由於使用歐元作為共同貨幣,這些政府公債最後的司法管轄權可能不是各國政府所有,在歐元區內部 external debt 和 internal debt 大概沒有什麼分別。
附帶一提,在 Rogoff 提及的這種定義之下美國並沒有所謂的外債,但是我們當然知道中國、日本和台灣都擁有許多美國政府公債。
Not sure if you have seen these two recent videos featuring Axel Weber:
He made some interesting points regarding the on-going EMU saga. He also made reference to the two wars started by Germany last century and the desire to preserve European unity and peace. And this begs the question - was EMU an Utopian dream of the European elites, by the European elites, and for the European elites?
I like his teutonic style. In certain ways, I wish our Fed was more like the Bundesbank.
I also wish that I had a time machine so that I could time travel to the future and see how the EMU crisis plays out.
In Europe now there is a very strange sentiments: The public in individual countries hates so much to use their tax money to place on bailouts, so the likelihood of getting a bigger emergency fund is smaller.
So, the only thing left for ECB is keep this emergency borrowing window alive.
It is a 3-year borrowing so they would really buy troubling countries some good time. The borrowing cost of Spain and Italy has show some downward revision. So, the true question would be: what kind of deal they could strike in these 3 year, given the fact that ECB has implicitly push lots of banks to hold more national bonds? (and who really knows if they could pay back in 3 years.)
Good scenario is these countries can payback. The worse scenario is that they cannot payback, then a bigger bomb is actually placed here!
Now Greek is like an orphan. They seldomly seen on News headlines(mostly Spain and Italy now) and they still cannot strike a good deal for themselves. (well, I would say they got themselves to be blamed.)
They are not big enough to have the bargaining power as Spain or Italy, nor do their government act behind a strong economic support.
So, now they will have find a few way out themselves. several posibility is to sell their assets, negotiate a haircut, or even exit EU?
Greek about to sell their assets
This kind of asset sales, to cash-rich countries, may be the best solution, and would be welcomed, by most nationalist EU governments.
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